Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles: January 2009

PLEASE READ: For All Readers and Viewers of This Page

June 13th, 2014
The following entries of our personal gun dog-related antiques and collectibles have been placed here for our readers' viewing pleasure ONLY. None of the antiques and collectibles appearing on the "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" pages are for sale. On the occasion when we do have multiples of an item and decide to part with it, we occasionally list those items on our "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop" pages.
Also, and just as importantly:
We have had all of our items privately appraised for our own personal insurance purposes. However, we are NOT appraisers and will NOT supply any information to any inquiries in any form about any of these items or any similar items which may be owned by you or others ~ other than the information already appearing on these pages.
Any requests for values, origins, current prices, appraisals, us to offer an item for sale, etc., will NOT be acknowledged or replied to by us. If you are seeking to purchase a particular item and/or have an item whose value, authenticity and/or origin you are interested in, you should seek out your own private appraisal and/or conduct your own independent research for any further information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

View the "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" Archives ...

In the left-hand column, scroll down to find the "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" Archives, which features a number of items we have previously shared here and which ~ due to the nature of the Blog ~ are now available for viewing only on the archived pages ...

About the New: "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop"

While we have shown a number of pieces from our Personal Collection below ~ and will continue to share other pieces here ~ we have had a number of inquiries concerning the possible sale of pieces from our Private Collection which we have shared with you here. While none of the pieces shown in our Private Collection here are for sale ~ many of which are Fetters Family Heirlooms ~ we have other Antiques and Collectbles now available for purchase at the "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop" which can be accessed by this link.

Occasionally, friends and family have duplicates of Antiques and Collectibles and/or items they no longer have room for ~ or we run into duplicate items we already own in our travels. We will be offering a few such pieces on the "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop" page for sale to the interested general public from time to time.

A number of the pieces will be English Setter-related items, however we will also have pieces that deal with other types of Gun Dogs and Hunting themes in general. An introduction to the shop appears at the top of the page as well as contact information. If there is something specific you have been searching for, let us know by using the Contact Us by Email function, and we will do our best to try assist you in your search.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Early 1900s English Setter Bookends ~ Manufactured by Jennings Brothers

This set of English Setter bookends is one of the rarest sets to find. They were manufactured by Jennings Brothers in the early 1900s. We have searched for another set of these and have never been able to find them. Like other certain pieces in our Private Collection, we never seem to have enough English Setter bookends and are always willing to make the room for yet another set.
The heads of this set are made of solid brass with solid cast iron bases ~ and are very heavy, as one might imagine. They were handed down through the family to me, another Fetters Family Heirloom.

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Early 1900s Antique Armour Bronze English Setter Bookends

Antique Armour Bronze English Setter Bookends, from the early 1900s, feature full Llewellin Setters in a pointing pose made famous by Edmund H. Osthaus' paintings. We have many styles of English Setter bookends, some inherited and some which we acquired from other places. This particular set was acquired at a New England antique shop during one of our many antique-hunting adventures. They are relatively heavy pieces and each one measures nearly nine inches long.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

"Steady Now!" ~ by A. B. Frost from a Vintage Portfolio

This piece is another one of four engravings from a vintage A. B. Frost portfolio which was acquired by my father in the 1950s ~ the other three pieces of this set are shown in the posts below this one.
My father had kept these safely stored in their original portfolio and had never gotten around to having them framed. When they were passed along to us, we eventually managed to have them mounted in matching vintage frames which The Lady of the House discovered and acquired on one of our antique-hunting adventures. The view area measures fourteen and a half inches wide by ten and a quarter inches high.
This particular piece, signed in the lower right corner, is entitled "Steady, Now!" and depicts a hunter next to a rail fence walking in at the ready gunning position while his two Llewellin Setters hold their point for the anticipated flush of wild gamebirds.

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"The Last Match" ~ by A. B. Frost from a Vintage Portfolio

This piece is another one of four engravings from a vintage A. B. Frost portfolio which was acquired by my father in the 1950s ~ two more of these are shown in the posts below this one. My father had kept these safely stored in their original portfolio and had never gotten around to having them framed.
When they were passed along to us, we eventually managed to have them mounted in matching vintage frames which The Lady of the House discovered and acquired on one of our antique-hunting adventures. The view area measures nine inches wide by twelve inches high.
This particular piece, signed in the lower right corner, is entitled "The Last Match" and depicts two hunters taking a break from their Upland Game Hunting ~ with their Pointer and Llewellin Setter ~ on a windy day attempting to use their last match to light their cigar and pipe during a break.

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"The Conciliator" ~ by A. B. Frost from a Vintage Portfolio

This piece is another one of four engravings from a vintage A. B. Frost portfolio which was acquired by my father in the 1950s ~ another of these is shown in the post below this one. My father had kept these safely stored in their original portfolio and had never gotten around to having them framed. When they were passed along to us, we eventually managed to have them mounted in matching vintage frames which The Lady of the House discovered and acquired on one of our antique-hunting adventures. The view area measures thirteen inches wide by nine inches high.
This particular piece, signed in the lower right corner, is entitled "The Conciliator" and depicts a hunter offering his whiskey flask to a landowner whose posted property the hunter wishes to access. An apparent relative of the landowner is climbing over the rail fence in the background, perhaps to share a sip of whiskey, too. The hunter's Llewellin Setter attentively takes note of the proceedings in hopes of going hunting soon. Perhaps the soulful eyes of the Setter will help soften the landowner to the hunter's request, however the proffered flask will definitely seal the deal along with a promise of shared bounty from the landowner's land.

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"Diplomacy" by A. B. Frost ~ from a Vintage Portfolio

, This piece is one of four engravings from a vintage A. B. Frost portfolio which was acquired by my father in the 1950s. He had kept them safely stored in their original portfolio and had never gotten around to having them framed. When they were passed along to us, we eventually managed to have them mounted in matching vintage frames which The Lady of the House discovered and acquired on one of our antique-hunting adventures.
This particular piece, signed in the lower right corner, is entitled "Diplomacy" and depicts a hunter talking to a landowner whose posted property the hunter wishes to access. The hunter's Pointer lays in the stubble of the field and waits patiently while the negotiations are in progress. The view area of the piece is nine inches wide by twelve inches high and the set of four makes a wonderfully subtle grouping.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Antique Cold-painted Austrian Bronze ~ English Springer Spaniel Match Striker

As some of you may already know, we have bred and nurtured an occasional English Springer Spaniel litter from our own bloodlines tracing back to Saighton and Sprucedale Kennels ~ which were owned by the late Carl and Violet Copenhaver of Duncansville, Pennsylvania. Carl and Violet Copenhaver were renown for deveoping classic dual style English Springer Spaniels with showman good looks and conformation and which were (and are) highly capable of holding their own in the field on wild game birds.
So it should not be surprising to find a number of English Springer Spaniel antiques and collectibles among our many treasured English Setter pieces. This Antique Cold-painted Austrian Bronze Springer Spaniel Match Striker was a very welcomed and unexpected gift to us from Violet Copenhaver several years ago.

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Early Victorian Era English Setter Double Inkwell ~ Jennings Brothers

This Early Victorian Era double inkwell was manufactured by Jennings Brothers and was acquired several years ago at a New England antique shop on our return journey home from a grouse hunting trip. It was one of those serendipitous occurences when after having passed several other antique shops, the Lady of the House and I decided nearly simultaneously to stop at this particular establishment. Sometimes she teases me that I have as good of a "nose" for off-the-beaten path antique English Setter finds as our Four-footed Members of the Family have for birds. This however is another general item we cannot ever pass up and is one of several English Setter themed inkwells we presently own.

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Tri-Colored Llewellin Setter ~ Antique Original Watercolor

This antique original watercolor depicts a Tri-Colored Llwellin Setter out of the Count Noble bloodlines. It was acquired from the Woodward and Lothrop Art Galleries, Washington, D.C. in the mid-1900s. Another Fetters Family English Setter Heirloom, handed down to me by my grandfather, John W. Fetters Sr.

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Mid-1800s Bronze Ink Blotter ~ The Equestrian Hunter

This Mid-1800s Bronze Ink Blotter was manufactured in France and acquired in England by my great-grandfather, William J. Fetters. The name of the piece is "The Equestrian Hunter" and depicts a Hunter dressed in riding attire with a brace of Laverack Setters on a lead. It is a very heavy and substantial solid bronze piece, measuring a little over eight inches high and nine inches wide. The curved piece in front has blotter paper on the bottom and is rolled over documents written with antique dip style and fountain pens. It has been a treasured possession of the Fetters Family for generations and is in remarkable condition due to the consistent loving care it has received through the decades.

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"A Royal Family" ~ Original Lithograph by Edmund H. Osthaus

Entitled "A Royal Family," this early 1900s original lithograph by Edmund H. Osthaus is still in its original carved wood frame. It depicts an early Llewellin Setter afield teaching her puppies to hunt.

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"The Favorite" ~ du Pont de Nemours Lithograph by Edmund H. Osthaus

One of our all-time favorite pieces by Edmund H. Osthaus ~ fittingly entitled "The Favorite" ~ depicts two Grouse Hunters in the process of selecting a pup who is the birdiest of the group of assembled English Setter Gun Dogs. This is another work commissioned from Osthaus by the du Pont de Nemours Powder Company (DuPont Powder Company) in the early 1900s and also a piece which has been in the Fetters Family for several generations. This particular piece is one of our larger pieces measuring twenty-eight inches wide by forty inches high.

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Early 1900s Hunter with English Setter Desk Lamp

Another Fetters Family English Setter Heirloom, this early 1900s Hunter with English Setter Desk Lamp was passed down to me from my great-grandfather, William J. Fetters. My family apparently had a penchant for these types of lamps as this is one of four English Setter lamps I inherited. This particular lamp has the original glass globe and stands a little over eleven inches high.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

du Pont de Nemours Powder Company ~ Original Lithograph by Edmund H. Osthaus

An original lithograph by Edmund H. Osthaus, commissioned by the du Pont de Nemours Powder Company (DuPont Powder Company). This particular Osthaus piece ~ which depicts a Llewellin Setter retrieving Ruffed Grouse ~ is substantial, measuring thirty-three inches wide by twenty-four inches high.

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1883 Watercolor by British Artist James Hardy Jr.

1883 Watercolor by British Artist James Hardy, Jr. Handed down to me by my grandfather, John W. Fetters Sr., who along with my great-grandfather, William J. Fetters, was a great influence in my young life regarding the ownership and breeding of fine English Setters and the enjoyable pursuit of Upland Game Hunting. The scene depicts a Llewellin Setter and Gordon Setter with a mixed bag of game which includes Ruffed Grouse, Woodcock, Pheasant and a Hare. This is a substantial piece measuring thirty-four inches wide by twenty-five and a half inches high.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

An Edmund H. Osthaus Self-Portrait with English Setter Puppies

Yet another Fetters Family English Setter Heirloom, a self-portrait by famed English Setter painter Edmund H. Osthaus depicting a litter of young English Setter puppies learning to honor the point of their Dam. This original lithograph as well as many of the same era, were originally owned by my great-grandfather, William J. Fetters ~ also an avid English Setter owner and breeder ~ and about whom more information will be shared in the Fetters Setters History and Heritage section of the Fetters Setters Blog.

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Original Lithograph ~ Alexander Pope ~ "Pair of Setters"

Antique Original Lithograph, signed Alexander Pope in lower right corner, entitled "Pair of Setters." Depicts two English Setters ~ whose names are Faith and Loyalty ~ with a mixed bag of Grouse and Woodcock hanging in the background. Another Fetters Family English Setter Heirloom, in its original tiger maple frame.

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Antique Framed Bronze Casting on Slate

This Antique Framed Bronze Casting on Slate was one of my father's favorite pieces and hung in a place of honor over my parents' fireplace in their library. Depicted is a Pheasant Hunter behind a German Shorthaired Pointer and Llewellin Setter on point. The natural fieldstone of my parents' library fireplace provided a dramatic and fitting contrast for this piece which measures thirty-six and a half inches wide by twenty-four and a quarter inches high. The intricate detail of the casting is life-like and stunning ~ from the training whistle hanging around the hunter's neck to the elastic shotgun shell holders on his hunting vest ~ and The Lady of the House is still looking for a similar place of honor for it now in our own home.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Early 1900s Orginal Watercolor ~ Count Noble Llewellin Setters

This early 1900s original watercolor was created in 1916 and depicts two classic Count Noble Llewellin Setters on point near an old rail fence. A Hunter with a SideXSide double barrel shotgun readies himself for the shot. The piece measures fifteen and a half inches wide by nine inches high and is in its original matting and frame.

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Original Oil on Canvas Board ~ "Out-Manuevered"

An Original Oil Painting on Canvas Board ~ "Out-Manuevered" ~ depicts a Hunter tangled in thick cover with his Pointer and English Setter on point watching a covey of quail on the wing. This is a vintage mid-1900s painting which we acquired from the Estate of an avid Upland Game Hunter who personally painted this piece and several others in his life-time. It measures twenty-three and a half inches wide by eighteen and three-quarters inches high. It is one of several unique pieces we have acquired through the years.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Playful Pups" by Edmund H. Osthaus ~ Original Lithograph

In its original Wormy Chestnut frame, this piece is one of our favorites, especially as regards the Lady of the House who has said a number of times she would like to have identical prints for every room in our home ~ even if they are smaller prints as this one measures eighteen and a half inches wide by twenty-two and three-quarters inches high. Admittedly, it is one of Osthaus' more whimsical pieces ~ depicting playful, mischievous Llewellin Setter pups ~ which never fails to bring a smile to any viewer's face.

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Original 1905 Signed Watercolor ~ "After Woodcock"

Entitled "After Woodcock," this 1905 signed watercolor ~ "watercolor and body color on paper laid down on card" ~ depicts Woodcock Shooting and is Hand-Signed by the artist, Dwight W. Huntington. It was presented by the artist to my great-grandfather, William J. Fetters, in 1905. Another Fetters Family English Setter Heirloom.

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Vintage 1950s English Setter TV Lamp

Vintage 1950s English Setter TV Lamp, one of those English Setter collectibles neither I nor The Lady of the House can ever pass up ~ no matter how many we already own. Due to extensive traveling in recent years, a number of our English Setter treasures are still being unpacked from storage and while we know we own several different models of the 1950s-era English Setter TV Lamp, exactly how many of them we actually own is still a variable number. Luckily we live in a large house with room for all ~ and a few more when we happen across any.

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Antique 1906 "Partridge Shooting" Original Lithograph

I had long-admired this piece which hung on a wall in my great-grandfather's kennel office and like many other English Setter Family Heirlooms lovingly preserved and loved by my family, it now resides on a wall in our home and is and will always be one of my favorite pieces. The rail fence depicted was not an uncommon scene in my great-grandfather's day and I could always picture him as a young man in a similar setting behind a brace of his fine English Setters.

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Antique 1920s Brass and Bakelite English Setter Bracelet

This Antique 1920s Bakelite and Brass Bracelet was a Happy Surprise for The Lady of the House who received it as a 2008 Christmas present from me. She had no idea she was getting such a rare treasure and I managed to keep it a secret until presenting it to her on Christmas Eve. The oblong Bakelite and Brass pieces each measure one and five-eighth inches wide. The brass engraved oblong overlays depict an English Setter and a Pointer. I had seen only one other of these bracelets years ago and felt quite lucky to have the opportunity to acquire this particular extremely well-preserved piece.

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Original 1905 Signed Watercolor ~ "Scattered Birds"

Entitled "Scattered Birds," this 1905 signed watercolor ~ "watercolor and body color on paper laid down on card" ~ depicts Woodcock and Grouse Shooting and is Hand-Signed by the artist, Dwight W. Huntington. It was presented by the artist to my great-grandfather, William J. Fetters, in 1905. Another Fetters Family English Setter Heirloom.

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Original 1895 Watercolor ~ "His First Wing Shot"

Amazingly well-preserved is this Original English Setter Watercolor created in 1895, entitled "His First Wing Shot" ~ another Fetters Family Heirloom.

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