Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles: March 2009

PLEASE READ: For All Readers and Viewers of This Page

June 13th, 2014
The following entries of our personal gun dog-related antiques and collectibles have been placed here for our readers' viewing pleasure ONLY. None of the antiques and collectibles appearing on the "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" pages are for sale. On the occasion when we do have multiples of an item and decide to part with it, we occasionally list those items on our "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop" pages.
Also, and just as importantly:
We have had all of our items privately appraised for our own personal insurance purposes. However, we are NOT appraisers and will NOT supply any information to any inquiries in any form about any of these items or any similar items which may be owned by you or others ~ other than the information already appearing on these pages.
Any requests for values, origins, current prices, appraisals, us to offer an item for sale, etc., will NOT be acknowledged or replied to by us. If you are seeking to purchase a particular item and/or have an item whose value, authenticity and/or origin you are interested in, you should seek out your own private appraisal and/or conduct your own independent research for any further information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

View the "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" Archives ...

In the left-hand column, scroll down to find the "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" Archives, which features a number of items we have previously shared here and which ~ due to the nature of the Blog ~ are now available for viewing only on the archived pages ...

About the New: "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop"

While we have shown a number of pieces from our Personal Collection below ~ and will continue to share other pieces here ~ we have had a number of inquiries concerning the possible sale of pieces from our Private Collection which we have shared with you here. While none of the pieces shown in our Private Collection here are for sale ~ many of which are Fetters Family Heirlooms ~ we have other Antiques and Collectbles now available for purchase at the "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop" which can be accessed by this link.

Occasionally, friends and family have duplicates of Antiques and Collectibles and/or items they no longer have room for ~ or we run into duplicate items we already own in our travels. We will be offering a few such pieces on the "Fetters Setters ~ Antique and English Setter Collectible Shop" page for sale to the interested general public from time to time.

A number of the pieces will be English Setter-related items, however we will also have pieces that deal with other types of Gun Dogs and Hunting themes in general. An introduction to the shop appears at the top of the page as well as contact information. If there is something specific you have been searching for, let us know by using the Contact Us by Email function, and we will do our best to try assist you in your search.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Antique English Setter Planter ~ Hand-Painted Occupied Japan

The Lady of the House has long had a fondness for antique Occupied Japan planters, mainly bird and animal figurines.
She has collected Occupied Japan planters depicting every creature from bunnies to frogs and birds to zebras ~ but when she finds an Occupied Japan planter depicting a Gun Dog, especially an English Setter, then it is a double-delight (not to mention an "I'm not leaving here without this!" sort of find).

She found this particular planter at an estate sale and despite an intense bidding war over the piece, she came out of the fray with it securely in her hands. She mentioned at the time that perhaps she paid "a little too much" for it, but found through the years that it is relatively rare piece ~ having never found another one quite like it anywhere.

We have several styles of English Setter and other Gun Dog Occupied Japan planters, and she is always on the look-out for one she doesn't already have (or even, at times, duplicates and triplicates, etc. of ones she has already acquired!). And in our home, they are always welcome additions to our ever-growing Fetters Family English Setter collections.

We are still amazed to find the Occupied Japan planter in such great condition, minus any chips and cracks. This particular planter measures three-and-and-half inches high and six inches long.
In some of the Occupied Japan planters, she will plant live vines ~ but only after carefully lining the insides in heavy plastic so the soil does not touch the ceramic and wear on the finish. She will also use nice silk vines in them which appear real ~ but do not need the care or sunlight (or damaging soil and water) which a real plant would require.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

1940s Antique Brass Setter Desk Lamp

This solid brass Setter Figurine Desk Lamp with brass lamp neck and a pivotal brass shade was manufactured in the 1940s and sits on its original solid wood base.

The Lady of the House was conducting business (un-related to dogs) on the phone one day and in the process of a pleasant conversation with a lady from New Hampshire, discovered the New Hampshire lady and her husband had an antique shop as a second business.

Half-jokingly (and certainly not expecting a positive reply), The Lady of the House inquired as to whether they ever ran across any "English Setter-related items" and much to her surprise, the New Hampshire lady told her that occasionally they did indeed ~ and in fact had just acquired a desk lamp with an English Setter on it in the past week at an Estate Sale in Vermont.

Responding quickly to The Lady of the House's request for emailed photos and a price, The Lady of the House wasted no time in getting a check in the mail addressed to the couple in New Hampshire.

About a week after sending off the payment, this great lamp arrived carefully packed on our doorstep ~ much to John's great delight and surprise. As promised, it was much nicer than the pictures showed it to be ~ and it also works perfectly. It stands thirteen inches high and eight inches wide at the wooden base.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

1930s Antique Hand-Carved Ivory Setter

This 1930s Antique Setter Figurine is hand-carved from solid ivory and measures two-and-three-quarters inches high and four-and-three-quarters inches in length. Another out-of-the-way antique shop find, it has found a good and appreciative home among our other favorite pieces.

For entire posted-to-date page (Top of Page)
of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

Antique Cast Iron Hubley Englsih Setter Paperweight from Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Still retaining much of its original paint, this antique Hubley Cast Iron English Setter Paperweight is another Fetters Family Heirloom, handed down through the family from John's great-grandfather, the original owner. Hubley cast iron figurines were made in Lancaster, Pennsyvania and this piece measures one-and-a-quarter inches high and two-and-one-eighth inches long.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

Antique Potter and Moore Bakelite and Brass Setter Shaving Soap Dish

Established in 1749, the Potter and Moore Company produced this Bakelite and Brass Shaving Soap Dish in 1909. This was another serendiptious find when we were traveling ~ and needing a break, decided to stop in the next antique shop we came across.
Hidden back in a corner, it did not stay hidden long from John ~ who has a nose for these types of pieces like his dogs have for game birds. With a brace of Laverack Setters engraved into the brass of the twist-off lid, it mesaures about two-and-a-quarter inches high by four inches in diameter and is in nearly new condition.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

1920s Cast Iron and Bakelite English Setter Pen Holder

Discovered in an off-the-beaten-path dusty New England antique shop on one of our many adventures, this 1920s Cast Iron and Bakelite Pen Holder was a delightful find. We had seen (and acquired) English Setter desk items before however had never seen one with Bakelite like this one.
This piece measures three inches high by three inches square at the base and has been displayed (and used) on John's desk since we brought it home more than five years ago.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

1940s Era Antique Bronze Finish Setter Mantle Clock

Manufactured by Sessions, this 1940s Antique Setter Mantle Clock has its original antiqued bronze finish and keeps perfect time. It has graced a place of honor on a bookshelf or mantle in every home we have lived in over the years.
Long admired by John as a young boy, it was presented to John on his sixteenth birthday by his grandfather and has been one of our most treasured pieces. A perfect size for a mantle, it measures a little over ten inches high and a little over fifteen inches long.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

1950s Chalkware Lamp ~ Setter and Pheasant in the Corn

Recently having some ample time to unpack more of our English Setter and Gun Dog collectibles, we came across this long-treasured piece ~ so treasured in fact, that we have searched for some time for a matching lamp to have a set of them.
We have also added several more recently-unpacked pieces to this page to share with you ~ and more will be placed here as time and our busy schedules allow.
This unusual 1950s chalkware lamp shows an English Setter peering at a pheasant on the other side of the corn.
It is an unusually detailed piece, even showing the individual kernels on the ears of the corn, and was given to my parents as a gift by a close friend and fellow English Setter owner and fancier in the early 1950s. Another amazingly preserved Fetters Family heirloom, it measures thirteen-and-a-half inches high by ten inches wide.

For entire posted-to-date page (Top of Page)
of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

1940s Springer Spaniel ~ Chalkware Figurine with Cuff Link or Change Tray

Owned by my great-grandfather and passed down through the family to me, this 1940s English Springer Spaniel chalkware figurine has beautifully survived the normal ravages of time. This figurine sat on a dresser in one of my great-grandfather's spare bedrooms for use by overnight guests. It is another rare chalkware piece with a double gun across the front of the base. It measures six inches high by eight-and-a-half inches long.

For entire posted-to-date page (Top of Page)
of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

1930s Solid Brass Llewellin Setter Statue

This 1930s Llewellin Setter statue is made of solid brass and is another Fetters Family heirloom handed down through the generations. It stands seven-and-a-half inches high and twelve inches long, and is a very heavy and substantial piece.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.

1950s Chalkware Figurine ~ Llewellin Setter Retrieving a Pheasant

This vintage 1950s-era chalkware figurine depicts a Llewellin Setter retrieving a pheasant. Unusually rare and large, the piece measures approximately eight inches high and twelve inches long. It is another piece handed down to me by my grandfather and is remarkable condition.

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of "Fetters Setters ~ Antiques and Collectibles" ~ click here.